On Oct 20th, the whole export sales team are excited and expected to meet with our esteeemd customer from Bangladesh, since they had a long communication with the customer through the network. The Bangladeshi customer is a flagship manufacturer of home appliances in their country.
On the behalf of the boss of Fackel Machinery, Ms. Xiong export sales manager and Mr. Huang welcomed the Bangladesh delegation. The Bangladesh customer was guided to visit our production workshop and general assembly workshop, during the sightseeing against the workshops of Fackel Machinery, all the cared issues that raised by the customer were all duly presented by our team, which delivered happy results to the customer from their face filled with smiles.
After that, we have held a welcome meeting for the Bangladesh delegation, the theme of the meeting was mainly for welcoming the customer and further discussion of machine technology, the meeting was held by our boss. At the beginning of the meeting, our boss expressed his deepest welcome to our esteemed customer. The meeting was ended in a enthusiastic atmosphere and both parties come to the final agreement, the representative of the Bangladeshi delegation signed a purchasing intention letter with Fackel Machinery.
The purchasing intention letter specified a requirement of a whole production line for producing the eps packaging material for the home appliances. The export deparment will follow up this procedure and expressed their confidence to cope with this order.
Thanks to our esteemed Bangladeshi customer for selecting Fackel Machinery for their equipment supplier, we will make them satisfy with our quality-oriented and cutting-edge technic and excellence service.
Up to date, we signed the final supplying contact with Bangladeshi customer on Feb 15 2022.